The deadline of the first report of data relating to the periodic VAT is on 31st May.Generally the deadline is the end of the second month following the quarter. The exception is for the second quarter as the deadline isn’t on 31st August but on 16th September.All VAT taxpayers are obliged to deliver data except the ones not required to file their annual VAT return.The draft, available on the Revenue Agency website, shows that the data must be communicated (on a quarterly basis whether the payments are monthly or quarterly) not only in the event that the clearance leads to a VAT debt but also in case of a VAT credit.The data to be reported are the:• amount of active and passive operations,• VAT payable,• VAT deducted,• VAT payable or receivable,• payables or receivables of the previous period,• EU car payments• VAT credits,• quarterly interests,• advances and• VAT to be paidconsidering that this must be completed for each periodic clearance and that communication must take place every three months, VAT taxpayers:• with monthly VAT clearance must complete a form for each month of the quarter and send a file with three modules• with quarterly VAT clearance must fill in one form and send a file with a module for the whole